The 4 Main Types of Competitors | Product Management

Erdeniz Tunç
2 min readJun 20, 2023


When analyzing our competition, it is helpful to understand the different types of competitors you may encounter. In this article, we will explore the four main types of competitors and what sets them apart.

There are four types of competitors:

  • Direct
  • Indirect
  • Potential
  • Substitute

1. Direct Competitors

Direct competitors are companies that solve the same problem as your company. Customers are faced with a decision between your company and these direct competitors. They offer similar products or services, targeting the same customer group.

For example, if your company sells smartphones, other companies that sell smartphones would be considered your direct competitors.

2. Indirect Competitors

Indirect competitors also solve the same problem as you, but in a different way. They target a different customer group, which may overlap with your target customers. Although they offer different products or services, they still serve customers who have a similar need.

For instance, a food vendor selling baked bread is an indirect competitor to another food vendor selling chicken tenders. Both vendors cater to customers who want food, but they offer different products.

3. Potential Competitors

Potential competitors are those that offer something to the same target customer group, but they do not address the same problem as you. They may enter the market with a different solution or product that appeals to your target customers. Keeping an eye on potential competitors is important as they can disrupt the market and attract your customers with a new approach.

4. Substitute Competitors

Substitute competitors provide an alternative to the product or service that you offer. While you both aim to solve the same pain points for customers, the means by which you do so differ.

For example, a restaurant and a coffee shop in the same neighborhood could be substitute competitors. Both cater to customers looking for food and beverages but offer different experiences and products.

Understanding these four types of competitors helps you identify who you are up against in the market. By analyzing each type, you can gain insights into their strategies, strengths, and potential threats they pose to your business. This knowledge allows you to develop effective competitive strategies, differentiate your offerings, and better serve your target customers.

In conclusion, being aware of the four main types of competitors (direct, indirect, potential, and substitute) is crucial for your business. By identifying and understanding each type, you can navigate the competitive landscape more effectively and make informed decisions to stay ahead in the market.

